Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daddy Day Care Part 2!

I came home from work today and Chris was in the shower getting ready so we could go out for dinner. I looked in the little chair in the bathroom that Connor sits in while I get ready and he wasn't there! I looked up at Chris and asked him where the baby was...well through the glass I saw that Connor was taking his first big boy shower with daddy! Connor loved the water and Chris was singing along to the radio another favorite of Connor's! Too funny! I laughed at them and looked down to see Connor's diaper on the ground next to Chris' father like son apparently Chris is teaching him some bad habits! :) I can't say I was shocked because Chris wants Connor to do everything with him. The shower was only for entertainment purposes only because there was no soap involved for Connor! He really liked it so I am sure this won't be the last time I come home to this!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Connor, Connor, Connor...

He is so much fun! Connor loves when we sing to him~sad thing is that we are not good singers! We loaded up the karaoke channel on Cox on demand the other day and Connor loved it! Chris and I realized what horrible singers we are but Connor had a blast! He also likes it when Daddy makes up songs and raps for him! It is pretty funny! He is giggling like crazy and loves to play. He always wants to sit up and pulls his head and shoulders off the ground when he is laying down trying so hard to get up to a sitting position! Chris says he is doing crunches and he really looks like he is! He is oh so close to rolling from his back to his belly. Any day now and he will be rolling over! It has been too long since I updated that there are so many new things that are incredibly cute! Well everything is so cute to me! He started eating rice cereal although not very well. Chris can get him to eat it much easier than I. He does pretty good! Soon it will be on to veggies...yum ;)

We have a hunch that he is teething now. He is drooling out of control, loves to chew on everything, has had a slight fever every couple of days and has several bumps on his little gums. Soon we will see if a little tooth pops out! He loves to have a cold rag on his head when he is a little warm. It cools him right down and he loves it!

I can't believe he will be five months on Monday! They are kidding when they say it goes by fast!