Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Connor's Birth Announcement!

Here is Connor's birth announcement, which was part of our Christmas card! It was created by fabulous Kim Heffington! She was so patient with Connor even though he cried more than he ever had before at his photo session! :( He was cold and didn't like it after the first 30 minutes! The pictures turned out great and Kim is awesome! Her web page is just a little shameless advertising too! Stay tuned for Connor's 6 month pictures!

3 months old!

Connor is now 3 months old and it is time to post his famous big boy chair pics!!! He has had an eventful few weeks lately! He is going to Grammy's everyday with daddy now since mommy is back to work! (poor mommy) Grammy loves having him there too! Connor also found his hands...well one of them at a time! He stares at his left hand puts his right hand in his mouth! I am not sure if he realizes he has two at the same time yet! It is so funny to watch him study his hand so seriously! Sometimes he goes cross eyed when his hand gets too close to his face! I have to put a picture up here! He is also making more and more noises which is the cutest thing ever! He seems to like it when I ask him least he smiles and laughs! Connor is all ready for Christmas! He has Christmas jammies all ready for tonight!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sleep at last!

Connor has always been a pretty good sleeper but last night he slept for 11 hours! YAY! He has been sleeping about 7-8 hours at night already but last night he did really good! He wakes up happy and smiling which I love! I am trying to catch those smiles with the camera but he doesn't always cooperate! I got some good video just waiting for the snapshots!


Connor's biggest success of November was rolling over from his belly to his back! He rolled over on 11/11. I thought it was by accident but he kept on rolling over when he was on his tummy! I have tried so many times to videotape him rolling over but every time we pull out the camera...he stays on his belly! Connor went to his first birthday party! It was Danika's 3rd birthday! There he met Brody his friend that is only a month younger than him but quite a bit bigger! He also got his first shots...poor baby! He cried more about being held down then the actual shots! He was a trooper and only fussed a little that night! I thought I was going to be up all night but he slept good! He weighed 8 lbs 9 oz and was 20 inches long at his 2 month check up! He is getting little chubs now!Connor posed in his big boy chair for pictures when he turned 2 months! I wish I would have taken a picture of him in the chair when he was brand new! I am going to take one each month in his chair from now on. Connor spent his First Thanksgiving at both of his grandparents' houses! He put on quite a show at Grammy's rolling over for everyone to see! I think he liked it when everyone clapped!


Connor spent most of this month attending follow up Dr. appointments and hanging out at home. He was growing so well and was up to 6 lbs 5 oz at his second appt! He competely skipped 5 lbs! He made it on the growth chart at this weight so I was very happy! We spent a week at Grammy and Papa's while Daddy worked out of town. Grammy loved having us there! Connor's first Halloween was very eventful...he slept through the whole thing in his swing~ I wanted to get a pea in the pod costume for him but they were all too big! Instead he wore his pumpkin outfit from Erin! It was so cute! The pumpkin butt was perfect!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Connor's Birth

I am starting a little late since Connor is almost 3 months old now, but I still think I will start from the beginning. Chris and I were scheduled for me to be induced on 9/23. I had been going to so many appointments and dealing with IUGR(Intrauterine Growth Restiction) which means Connor's growth was very far behind. At that point he was about a month behind. His heart rate started to vary as soon as they started to induce me so we decided to be on the safe side and go for a c-section. At 4:31 pm later that day Connor Lee Gudgeon was here! I only saw him for a minute because he went straight to the NICU, with Daddy of course. Connor was in the NICU for the next week being poked and prodded to find a healthy baby boy with absolutely no reason to be so small! There was an abnormality with the placenta that was discovered during the c-section but who knows if that caused the IUGR. Connor had such wonderful care in the NICU. The nurses were so caring and informative to Chris and I. After I was released Chris and I spent our days in the NICU with Connor. We would feed him and gave him a bath. He was moved to the continuing care nursery the morning he came home. On 9/30 Connor was released after accomlishing his goals. He was back up to his birth weight, eating at least 30 mL, and maintaining his body temp...All ready to go home. It was so nice to bring him home! Finally!